Theresa Zisser has been playing piano and singing since an early age. During her school years from 2004 until she graduated from secondary school in 2009, she participated in Choir-Tours and Competitions.
From 2004 until 2009 she enjoyed her music education at the music school Pöllau-Vorau-Joglland. Since October 2009 she has been studying singing and instrumental (singing) pedagogy at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz with Prof. Annemarie Zeller.
In opera productions of the University she performed the role of Monica in G. C. Menotti’s “The Medium” and Dewman in E. Humperdinck’s “Hansel und Gretel” (both under the directorship of Barbara Beyer und musical lead of Frank Cramer). During this time she also took lessons by Angelika Kirchschlager.
She also focuses on art song and oratorios - since the beginning of this year she takes classes with Prof. Joseph Breinl and Prof. Robert Heimann. She regularly sings “Steirische Hirten- und Krippenlieder” as a soloist with musiKost, at various projects of the Oberschuetzen choir and the church choir Pinkafeld.
During the seasons of 2008-2010 she took part in musical-productions of the Musical Company Waldbach – she played the roles of Natalie in J. DiPietri’s “All shook up”, Rusty in T. Snow’s “Footloose” and Virginia in E. Woolfson’s “Poe”. Since 2005 she is the leader of the vocal ensemble “klangfarbe” with regular performances around Styria, Austria.