The young Austrian baritone Georg Klimbacher grew up in a very musical family. After studying piano and later on musical education at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) he started his singing studies in 2006, at first with Agathe Kania-Knobloch and Ulf Bästlein, currently with Elisabeth Batrice. He studies lied interpretation with Joseph Breinl and oratorio with Robert Heimann. In master classes, given by Charles Spencer, Helena Lazarska and Matjaž Robavs he received important musical and vocal impulses. He furthermore profits from the work with KS Gottfried Hornik and Angelika Kirchschlager.
As a singer in the Arnold Schoenberg Choir he already had the chance to work with very well-known orchestras and conductors like Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Erwin Ortner. His singing activities also include oratorio concerts. Together with his piano partner Yosuke Osada he regularly gives recitals. He performed in several opera productions at university and also at the opera house of Graz. He sang Dr. Falke in Fledermaus, 2. Japanischer Gesandter in Le Rossignol, Bill Jux in the childrens´s opera Peter Pan and the lead role in the 2010 premiered musical Simon Kramer.